Old Writing
Unedited, as is.
I now write about what catches my mind here: https://sanskritis.substack.com
Nuclear Pasta (2020 October)

Do you know what's better than a bulletproof vest? (2021 December)

Coral Reefs: how they can be restored (2021 April)
Tidal Energy and Coal Plants (2020 May)
Nanotechnology and the Future of Medicine (2021 May)
A Step Towards Removing Fossil Fuels (2021 May)
The meteorite that killed the dinosaurs (2021 January)
How sports can help combat gender inequality (2020 Dec)
Curing drug addiction with new skin (2022 April)
Impacts of Urbanization on the Economy of the United States (2020 December)
The Aeneid as effective propaganda (2021 April)