
Things I'm endlessly curious about... looking for the answers to what I don't know, and for the questions I haven't thought to ask.

About Joy

Self explanatory :)


I love to read just about everything. Sometimes the mood strikes for Martial's Epigrams, and other times, for inspiring poetry. However, my favourite books are the ones that are full of fun visualizations and questions that we don't have the answers to. There's a list in the Projects section :)


The molecular compositions of different textiles and materials is incredibly interesting to me - how small changes in microstructure can lead to incredible changes on the macro scale.


I've instructed students for five years through UCMAS: a mental math and abacus program. In my hometown, I've also gotten the opportunity to share the joy of robotics by running case competitions for other students.

Visual Arts

Pottery, mosaics, acrylics, watercolour, and origami are all mediums I use, and turn to them as a way to make time to relax. Art is more meaningful when shared - I love making pieces with friends, and for friends. Some of my work is in the Creations tab!


It's fascinating, how far we've come in extending our lifespan. Our limits are now vastly associated with the process of aging. There's still so much to learn about signalling processes within our own bodies... and how we can use what we know of other animals to improve our own healthspans.